Holistic Core Restore® Diastasis Healing programme

Who is the programme for?
If you’ve had a baby, no matter how long ago and you have a Diastasis Recti or feel disconnected to your Core and/or Pelvic Floor then our Diastasis Healing is the programme you’ve been waiting for.
Healing a Diastasis Recti is a WHOLE BODY ISSUE, it’s not just about exercise, it’s not just about the woman’s belly and it’s not just about the gap! A deep assessment is required to start with then a programme that focusses on nutrition for healing, the woman’s breathing strategy and postural alignment, all need to be considered BEFORE we apply exercise and load. And our programme has been tried and tested by thousands of women and received rave reviews and rave RESULTS. In Holistic Core Restore® our role is to deeply guide you in a process that will improve the way your belly looks, feels and works, rid yourself of backpain, reconnect to your Pelvic Floor so that you both FEEL and FUNCTION better. Overall, we’re in the business of ‘bringing you back home to your body’!
1:1 for 6 weeks
Please get in touch for 1:1s
Sessions can be weekly or every 2 weeks live through zoom or in person at my studio in Girton.
Who is this programme for?
Any woman who has had a baby and now has poor connection of their core muscles, and a gap in their abdominal muscles.
This programme is dedicated to helping the client understand what’s happened. Knowing the Why’s and What’s matter A LOT!
This programme will help you connect the dots between your breathing, posture and possible back pain and Pelvic Floor dysfunction.
The programme begins with a core connection assessment and a soft tissue therapy session.
It’s a multi-phase programme where the exercises are progressed. I am with you all of the way, ensuring your progress towards your goal and also that your route to success is adjusted as required. This programme is NOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL!
You’re provided with all the exercise kit you need plus our UNIQUE Client Education Booklet to help you really understand the process and the facts about Diastasis Recti.
The programme has a strong focus on HEALING NUTRITION TOO! 100% . We heal from the INSIDE OUT! And I have simple but highly effective strategies for helping you get the specific nutrients required to heal your Diastasis into your diet easily and without fuss.
We employ ‘CAN DO’ strategies for helping you REST and DE-STRESS. The high cortisol levels associated with the Post Natal period also retard healing and cause you to hold fat around your middle. This programme helps you to help yourself to not only a better looking belly but one that FUNCTIONS and supports your Pelvic, Core and overall health.
So, how does it work?

Frequently asked questions
Could the HCR® Programme be improved? ” No, for me it was excellent. I enjoyed the support and the homework. Nikki was very attentive and checked in on us to offer plenty of support”
“Nikki is such a phenomenal teacher who makes everyone feel so welcome and comfortable”
“It was great how much knowledge I gained from the course. I definitely have more awareness about my body and my core”
‘Nikki was very warm and nurturing. It was led on such an individual level which was great!”
“The course was incredibly beneficial to me as I had no idea how much breathing impacted your development. It was great to learn about some of the small things I could change that will make a big impact on my overall health and wellbeing”
” I really enjoyed the discussions being really open and honest and realising the challenges I faced with doing activities are similar to others”
” Nikki was great at providing alternative options to better suit our scenarios. She was always available to answer questions which meant that support was always just a touch of a button away”
” For the first time in a very long time I no longer wet myself when I sneeze!”