Women’s Wellness Walks

Women's Wellness Walks

Friday 6th December 2024 | 10:45am| Meeting outside Storey's Field Centre
Eddington, Cambridge

Come along and join us for one of my Women's Wellness Walks around Eddington. A chance to get some fresh air, movement and connection with others.

Women's Wellness Walks

Come along and join us for one of my Women's Wellness Walks around Eddington. A chance to get some fresh air, movement and connection with others.

All women welcome

These walks are to create a space for the community to come together and feel a sense of belonging. Women are so good at supporting each other. This is a chance to get some nourishing exercise together, chatter, walk, listen, whatever it is you need from the event.

We follow the same route, and you can go at whatever speed you feel comfortable with.  You are most welcome to bring your children too. The route is appropriate for a buggy. The route is approximately 45 mins-60 mins.

To finish, those who wish, can join me at Dulcedos for a coffee/tea.

If you hope to join me please do sign up so I know who to expect.

Our client's say:

Feedback from a 1:1 Client

"Working with Nikki was the best decision I made after giving birth. She made me feel like myself again"