It’s such a discombobulating time we are having right now. I don’t know about you but I feel such a range of emotions over the course of a day, from all that is going on in the world.
I don’t have the answers as to how to cope with it all, but here are a few bits that help me to feel a little more balanced.

Breath work. Nothing fancy, just slow it down and allow the exhale to take a little longer.

Walk. Gently.

Hug my kids so tightly.

Touch base with all my nearest and dearest as much as I can.

Breath. Again.

Listen to music/podcast/ audiobooks. Mostly to get ‘we don’t care about Bruno’ out of my head.

Lay down

Ignore the chores. They will wait.

Do less. Of everything that uses up too much energy.

Move my body gently. Which is all I can do right now anyway.

Focus my attention on eating and sleeping well.

If you have any tools that are helping you please let me know.
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